2016 END OF YEAR REVIEW – What’s More Important Than Meeting Goals?


2016 END OF YEAR REVIEW – What’s More Important Than Meeting Goals?

clouds3I conducted a workshop last week to help people review what they manifested over the year. My intention was to facilitate a deeper understanding of the complexities that are involved in creating and manifesting any goal. In our culture, we tend to focus on the final product, without acknowledging or reinforcing the essential early steps. It can leave many people feeling deflated.

The workshop participants really got it. They recognized and articulated the important work they had done to prepare, noting that it was, in many cases, more necessary than the goal. There are many quiet internal phases of percolation, reflection and reorganization that must be respected before any action takes place.

The Law of Gender, one of the Hermetic Principles that illuminates the manifestation process, shows us that we have work to do on a spiritual, mental and physical plane to bring anything to fruition. Each of those planes have both feminine and masculine attributes, the necessary components needed in all creation. The feminine is the internal process of inspiration, ideas, imagination and innovation, while the masculine is the external process of taking them and using initiative, decisions, planning and willpower to bring it to reality and completion. By breaking this progression down, we understand where we are now and what else is needed to reach our goals.

Without going into the content of the workshop, I’d like to highlight a few of the workshop revelations that illustrate the importance of the foundation work.


Several people noted that 2016 was an important year for coming to terms with themselves. Doing the internal work to know themselves, clearing out old issues that create confusion and the feelings of not being safe, was essential to having the confidence and clarity to move forward.

Yes, we are only as strong as our foundation. This year of political turmoil and upheaval has triggered many people to recognize their vulnerability and unresolved conflict. Working through those issues, however they appear, is the crucial inside work that must be taken seriously. It requires quiet, reflection, insight and a clear desire to create order out of chaos. It is an indispensable, and sometimes difficult first step before building a strong platform to launch steps toward meeting your goals.

Clearing out the confusion inside allows us to create a stronger foundation for how we show up in the world.


Launching or being engaged with work that is a more accurate reflection of personal values and talents was noted by several people. Finding a community or tribe of people who are like minded was also noted as an essential component to this alignment.

Starting over on your own terms, whether it’s in work, relationships or where you live, can be exhilarating, liberating and very scary. It requires heeding the call of your heart and soul and for some, facing hard realities in your work or personal life. Dealing with the fear that big change creates requires turning to your internal truth and trusting it to be your guide. These shifts are life altering and essential to living your full potential.

Creating change that aligns you with your soul’s truth helps launch a meaningful future.


What does it mean if your year was full of chaos and struggle? At least one person was brave enough to bring this up. A year of turmoil is difficult to acknowledge and talk about.

Yet instability and upheaval are significant indicators of the need for change and can be important components of transformation. Sometimes things have to dramatically fall apart before something new can be created. We see this in nature all the time. Forest wildfires burn the old wood and prepare the earth for new growth. It’s an essential part of our creative process.

Pay attention to what wants to happen – let the things that no longer serve you fall away so something new and better can come in.


There is no timetable for making personal change and achieving your life’s’ vision. It was noted by one person that it’s been a lifelong process to come to terms with his own history and nature and now, it’s finally coming together. Our life experience gives us more power and strength to move forward with confidence. Older is better, despite our culture’s fixation on youth.

The analogy given was you never go to a National Park to look at the saplings. It is the huge, old, towering, grand trees that humble us. We need to honor ourselves and our long-term growth by respecting our process, trusting that we can and will get stronger, more powerful and wiser as we grow.

There is strength, power and wisdom gained with age, it will all come in time.  

As you review your 2016 year, note these lessons. There is more happening with you than meets the eye. A focus on external accomplishments masks the important internal and foundational work that you most likely have going on all the time. Give yourself recognition for these shifts. Doing the internal work to create a more authentic and powerful you may mean going through big, scary or tough changes. The feelings of instability will shift into something stronger, clearer and more vigorous. You’re growing from a sapling to a mighty tree. Give yourself all the time you need!

If this review is something you would like to explore in more detail, it would be my pleasure to support you. Reach me through my website at www.spectrumtransformation.com, using the Free Consultation button.  My Transformational Coaching and Counseling services help you step into your full power. I look forward to hearing from you!






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