
The Balance Needed To ACCOMPLISH Anything

egg5For months, I’ve been trying to find local fertilized organic eggs. As I asked around, I learned a few things. It takes a rooster around the hens for the eggs to be fertilized and even then, there is no guarantee they’ll be fertile. I was told the free-range hens were molting and it was too cold for them to lay – wait until Spring. Now in the last week, I have eggs rolling in from several sources.

So, why am I writing about eggs?  In my Manifestation Course last week, I presented the Law of Gender. This tells us that all of creation requires both masculine and feminine properties to come into form. But the law goes further to imply that we need both genders in all things we want to accomplish, even that project you can’t seem to launch. The point is, we may be laying the eggs of new ideas, but only a few of them are ever fertilized enough to hatch.

We understand this from our own reproductive process and we’ve learned enough in biology to understand this concept for trees and flowers. Just like the plant world, we drop a lot of seeds, but only a small number actually have the right conditions to sprout. It’s not enough to have good ideas – there are many more steps to make them productive.

What I love about this concept is that it provides a wonderful template to determine what might be missing that’s keeping our fabulous dreams from becoming real. No matter whether you are wanting something in your professional life or something very personal, the rules apply.

The Law of Gender looks at the process from the Spiritual, Mental and Physical planes – there are feminine and masculine properties to each. See if this doesn’t help illuminate the manifestation process and assist you in determining what else might be needed to make your desires come to life.


Everything starts as a concept, an inspired idea or urge. It comes from deep within and in this way, can be identified as the promptings of our soul. What happens next is what makes the difference.

The Feminine, on the spiritual plane, is the source of the inspiration. It’s the early initiative that is often unconscious, but is the source for beginning the process.

The Masculine,on the spiritual plane, is how the inspiration is consciously taken outward. It’s the suggestions, even those subtlety made, that prompt the beginning of something new.

Consider the inspiration that has inspired change for you, have you sent it to others to suggest or prompt the change process?


Once the ideas become conscious, it’s fleshed out in our mind as a fully recognized desire, concept or plan. From there it needs detailed strategies to be taken to the world.

The Feminine, on the mental plane, is the inspiration, new concept, the innovation or creative spark that generates the launch of your new desire, plan or project. The idea starts to be conceptualized at this phase

The Masculine, on the mental plane, is the action, the plans, the willpower, desire and drive to take the idea into the world. The more clear and specific the plans for action, the more likely they’ll be fruitful.

Have your inspired, creative or innovative thoughts been followed up with the plans, action, decisions and willpower to bring them into reality?


It is on this plane that who we are and how we operate in the world determines if our plans become reality or not. To create anything in our lives, we use our assets, regardless of our gender. It’s our ability to modulate those assets to specifically match the situation that often determines our success.

The Feminine, on the physical plane, includes our intelligence, personality, feelings, appearance and desires and how we use our gifts to move our interests forward. It includes networking with others, seeking the right information and attracting the right people to make what we want come to us.

The Masculine, on the physical plane, includes how we modulate and control our feelings, use independent judgment and discernment to know how to proceed. It requires action and organized planning to move our desires forward for anything to be manifested.

Have you put your best self forward to launch and promote what you want, using good judgement and self-control, taking action to plan and organize it into reality?


If you think about something you have successfully brought into creation, you’ll notice that you used all three planes and their feminine and masculine properties.  So, what goes wrong when things don’t happen?

Need  more Spiritual?  If you have an idea or someone else has an idea for you, but it’s not congruent with your greater good, it doesn’t matter how fabulous it is, it’s not going to happen. It’s simply not right for you.

Need more Mental?  You may be inspired, but if the idea doesn’t have concrete plans that move it to the next level, it won’t happen. Conversely, lots of plans and no inspiration can make something fizzle.

Need more Physical? All good plans require the use of self to bring them to fruition and often we don’t put ourselves fully forward to make it happen. Not using our assets or not doing all the needed work will keep it from occurring.

Does this template help you determine where you need to put more focus to make the things you want come into being? I’ve noticed where my shortcomings are. Since I’m used to manifesting, it was eye opening to recognize why my new idea wasn’t happening. Now, I know what to do.

If this is a process you’d like some help exploring for yourself, my Transformational Life Coaching and Counseling can help. See my website for more details and reach out to me using the Free Consultation button if you want to ask questions or schedule a time to talk. I’d love to hear from you.




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